Saturday, September 13, 2014

Put Some Insanity Into Your 3D Wall Art Or Just The Real World

The real world is just as crazy as the 3D one if not more. Put some of that insanity into your 3D wall art. What I mean by crazy is that if you have ever taken the time to sit outside and watch the natural world around you, at different times of the day, you will notice that it is never the same.
The natural world is always changing. It's not just because of the revolving planet, weather systems, and day and night cycles, it has also something to do with entropy.

Entropy is ultimately the process of decay. It is the second law of thermodynamics.
Now I don't want to get too complicated, and what does this have to do with outdoor 3D wall art, anyway?
A lot!
But to keep it simple: the dissipation of energy and the dispersion of matter leads everything in the universe toward chaos and decay. At the same time it is the mechanism for life, and led to single cell creatures that evolved into people like you and me.
Then again, we are born, get old, fall apart and die. A sun, planet, solar system, or universe is born, gets old, and dies too.
Everything, in every cycle, is caught up in entropy, and will end up in chaos. Why do you think we constantly have to paint our houses or fences, wash the car, exercise to keep fit, repair bridges. Because everything is constantly falling apart.
So what does this have to do with you sitting outside in the park, or natural setting, when observing the plant life around you in order to gain deeper insight for creating your 3D wall art?

Because everything is in a process of decay and chaos even when it is first born. 

 When observing the world around you, it is in the decay that the story for your 3D wall art can be found. In the case of texturing and modeling, look at the story the crazy real world of chaos is telling you. An old shed covered in vines and twisted overgrown plants, in the middle of the forest, tells a story about time, and indicates history. 

Now if the weather-beaten, cracked paint on the exterior of the shed has a heart and two names carved inside of it, this tells a story about love, perhaps love lost, and can be the beginning shot of an epic tale. If you are creating a 3D scene of the natural world using a 3D model plant what story can it tell? If the plant has tangled and spread, and suffocated the landscape, and just within view there is a street light sticking out of the bushes, a stop sign, and the crumbling facade of a bank, what story would that tell? Entropy is everything when creating interesting 3D wall art that tells a story, and has a sense of mystery!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Why Is The Crazy 3D World Going To Give Us A Very Long Life, If Not, One Day Soon, Eternal Life?

What is so crazy about 3D? Lots! Is it a crazy 3D world because the world is a crazy place to begin with, no matter how you look at it, and we perceive it in 3 dimensions? Yes, of course! But this blog is about everything 3D in the real world, and the virtual one too.

The craziest thing of them all is that the 3D virtual world has now crossed over into the real world, to affect our way of life. And in the near future it will change life so much that we will not be able to recognize it in the way we used to remember it.


It would seem that anything can be printed.

Although 3D printers are nothing new, in fact the first one was invented in the 1983 I believe, the technology and vision behind it has advanced light years since then. They can print everything from cars, tools, toys, cloths, to pizza for astronauts.

Delicious, right?

No longer is 3D  printing exclusively done through a single sprayer, or made out of hardened plastic either. Today multi-sprayers, combined with anything from bio-gels, powdered metals, pizza dough, cheese, or powdered cloth is possible.

This is 3D Crazy or What?

The craziest 3D world of which I'm am talking about in this post, is the one of 3D printing human body parts. Nothing in the real, or perhaps, virtual 3D world, is more exciting, mind blowing, and just out-right crazy!


They have manged to print a beating heart, and Kidneys, although not yet fully usable for humans, the future looks bright for those in need of spare body parts. 

Scientists have been able to print all manner of things like blood vessels, which saved the life of an infant once, bones, skin, ears, and more, with bio-printers that use a cell based gel material. Bones are made of ceramic powder, and prosthetic's can be printed for a 100 dollars instead of 5000! They have also done a skull replacement; and one company is working on a skin graft machine that grafts the skin right onto the burn victim in real-time. This sound like crazy science fiction, right?

In the future they will be able to do skin grafts, and perfectly match missing parts.

Thus, more lives will be saved. And the craziest, but natural result, of this is that we will be able to live way longer. Some predicted that we will be able to live indefinitely? Eternal life sounds great, but make sure you save up a lot of money: retirement will never end...

Can you imagine going to DAZ 3D Props And Models, picking out one of the beautiful 3D characters, adding a few morphs, and saying to the doctor: I want to look just like that? Or after reading a Carrara 8.5 Pro Review you decide to create the perfect virtual character of your dreams, and print it out to use as spare parts, or a full body replacement? Crazy or what? What do you think?