The craziest thing of them all is that the 3D virtual world has now crossed over into the real world, to affect our way of life. And in the near future it will change life so much that we will not be able to recognize it in the way we used to remember it.
It would seem that anything can be printed.
Although 3D printers are nothing new, in fact the first one was invented in the 1983 I believe, the technology and vision behind it has advanced light years since then. They can print everything from cars, tools, toys, cloths, to pizza for astronauts.Delicious, right?
No longer is 3D printing exclusively done through a single sprayer, or made out of hardened plastic either. Today multi-sprayers, combined with anything from bio-gels, powdered metals, pizza dough, cheese, or powdered cloth is possible.
This is 3D Crazy or What?
The craziest 3D world of which I'm am talking about in this post, is the one of 3D printing human body parts. Nothing in the real, or perhaps, virtual 3D world, is more exciting, mind blowing, and just out-right crazy!
They have manged to print a beating heart, and Kidneys, although not yet fully usable for humans, the future looks bright for those in need of spare body parts.
Scientists have been able to print all manner of things like blood vessels, which saved the life of an infant once, bones, skin, ears, and more, with bio-printers that use a cell based gel material. Bones are made of ceramic powder, and prosthetic's can be printed for a 100 dollars instead of 5000! They have also done a skull replacement; and one company is working on a skin graft machine that grafts the skin right onto the burn victim in real-time. This sound like crazy science fiction, right?
In the future they will be able to do skin grafts, and perfectly match missing parts.
Thus, more lives will be saved. And the craziest, but natural result, of this is that we will be able to live way longer. Some predicted that we will be able to live indefinitely? Eternal life sounds great, but make sure you save up a lot of money: retirement will never end...Can you imagine going to DAZ 3D Props And Models, picking out one of the beautiful 3D characters, adding a few morphs, and saying to the doctor: I want to look just like that? Or after reading a Carrara 8.5 Pro Review you decide to create the perfect virtual character of your dreams, and print it out to use as spare parts, or a full body replacement? Crazy or what? What do you think?
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